D. Marion, M. Ikura, R. Tschudin, A. Bax, "Rapid recording of 2D NMR spectra without phase cycling. Application to the study of hydrogen exchange in proteins," Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 85, 393-9, November 1989.
Ad Bax (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.): "In the past decade, two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has proved to be an extremely powerful tool for obtaining detailed information on the structure and dynamics of both organic molecules and macro- molecules, such as small proteins and nucleic acids. It was generally believed that recording such spectra required a substantial amount of measuring time--even for concentrated samples--because the entire two-dimensional experiment must be repeated many times in a process known as phase cycling in order to suppress unwanted artifacts. We showed that for many experiments, phase cycling can be omitted and high quality two-dimensional spectra can be ...