The Scientist 15[15]:25, Jul. 23, 2001 PROFILE Suppliers of Reporter Assay Screening Systems E-mailarticle Company Product Reporter Gene Reporter Chemistry No. Tests* Price Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (800) 526-3593 Quan-T-CAT [3H] Assay System CAT [3H]-acetylated, biotinylated chloramphenicol 100 $450 Applied Biosystems (800) 345-5224 Gal-Screen Reporter Gene Assay for Mammalian or Yeast Cells b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200–10,000 $125–2,800 Galacto-Star Reporter Gene Assay for Mammalian or Yeast Cells b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200–15,000 $163–2,900 Galacto-Light/Galacto-Light Plus b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200–15,000 $127–2,500 Luc-Screen Extended-Glow Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Luciferase Luciferin 200–10,000 $125–2,800 Luciferase Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 200–5,000 $120–1,925 Dual-Light Combined Luciferase and b-Galactosidase Reporter Gene Assay Luciferase, b-gal Luciferin and 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200–4,000 $248–2,540 Phospha-Light SEAP Reporter Gene Assay SEAP 1,2-dioxetane substrate for SEAP 200–10,000 $153–2,810 GUS-Light b-Glucuronidase Reporter Gene Assay for Plant or Mammalian Cells b-glucuronidase 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200–15,000 $143–2,730 BD Biosciences-CLONTECH (800) 662-2566 Luminescent b-gal Detection Kit II b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 300 $260 Great EscAPe SEAP Chemiluminescence Detection Kit SEAP 1,2-dioxetane substrate 50/300 $130/$365 Great EscAPe SEAP Fluorescence Detection Kit SEAP MUP 300 $315 Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 100 $40 BD Biosciences-Pharmingen (877) 232-8995 Enhanced Luciferase Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 100 $50 Bio Rad (800) 4-BIORAD FluorAce b-Galactosidase Reporter Assay Kit b-gal MUG 200 $113 FluorAce b-Glucuronidase Reporter Assay Kit b-gal MUGluc 200 $146 Bio Vision Inc. (800) 891-9699 Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 200 $65 Gene Therapy Systems Inc. (888) 428-0558 b-galactosidase Assay Kit b-gal ONPG substrate 500 $175 Enhanced b-galactosidase Assay Kit b-gal CPRG substrate 500 $205 X-Gal Staining Assay Kit b-gal X-gal 50 $150 ICN (800) 854-0530 Aurora AP Chemiluminescent Reporter Gene Assay SEAP 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200/600 $158/$413 Aurora Gal-XE Chemiluminescent Reporter Gene Assay b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200/600 $132/$339 Aurora GUS Chemiluminescent Reporter Gene Assay for Plant Cells b-glucuronidase 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200/600 $158/$400 Aurora GUS Chemiluminescent Reporter Gene Assay for Mammalian Cells b-glucuronidase 1,2-dioxetane substrate 200/600 $158/$400 Intergen (800) 431-4505 CATalyze Assay CAT Colorimetric CAT assay 36/96 $149/$295 Invitrogen (800) 955-6288 b-Gal Assay Kit b-gal X-gal 100–400 $149 b-Gal Staining Kit b-gal X-gal 50 x 60-mm plates $160 InvivoGen (888) 457-5873 LacZ Reporter Kit b-gal X-gal 100 $140 Plap Reporter Kit PLAP BCIP 100 $140 Marker Gene Tech., Inc. (541) 342-3760 Luciferase Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 1000 $80 FACS LacZ b-galactosidase Detection Kit b-gal CUG 10 x 96-well plates $80 in vivo LacZ b-galactosidase Detection Kit b-gal FDG 250 $90 Molecular Devices (800) 635-5577 CLIPR Luciferase Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin 10 x 384-well plates or 20 x 1536-well plates $500 Molecular Probes (541) 465-8300 FluoReporter lacZ Flow Cytometry Kit b-gal FDG 50/250 $208/$820 FluoReporter lacZ/Galactosidase Quantitation Kit b-gal CUG 300 $125 Detectagene Blue lacZ Detection Kit b-gal CMCG 100–200 (suspension cells), ~25 (adherent cells) $184 Detectagene Green lacZ Detection Kit b-gal CMFDG 100–200 (suspension cells), ~25 (adherent cells) $347 Imagene Red lacZ Detection Kit b-gal C12RG 100–200 $269 Imagene Green lacZ Detection Kit b-gal C12FDG 100–200 $236 Imagene Green GUS Gene Expression Kit b-glucuronidase C12FDG 100–200 $269 Novagen (800) 526-7319 BetaFluor b-Gal Assay Kit b-gal MUG 500/2,500 $285/$1,140 BetaRed b-Gal Assay Kit b-gal CPRG 500/2,500 $285/$1,140 BetaBlue b-Gal Assay Kit b-gal X-Gal 100 $75 Packard BioScience Co. (800) 323-1891 LucLite Assay Kits Luciferase Luciferin 100–400/1000–4000/ 10,000–40,000/ 200,000–800,000 $180/$480/ $4,100/$70,000 LucLite Plus Assay Kits Luciferase Luciferin 100–400/1,000–4,000/ 10,000–40,000/ 200,000–800,000 $110/$500/ $4,200/$70,000 PanVera (800) 791-1400 Beta-Gal Staining Kit b-gal X-gal 100 $100 PerkinElmer Life Sciences (800) 551-2121 GeneLux Assay Kit Luciferase Luciferin NA $67 Pierce Chemical Co. (800) 874-3723 Yeast b-Galactosidase Assay Kit b-gal ONPG 2–3 (96-well plate); 100 (test tube) $110 All-in-One Mammalian b-Galactosidase Assay Kit b-gal X-gal 50–100 $135 Promega (800) 356-9526 Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System Luciferase Luciferin and coelenterazine 100–1,000 $143–927 Luciferase Assay System with Reporter Lysis Buffer Luciferase Luciferin 100 $61 Steady-Glo Luciferase Assay System Luciferase Luciferin 100–10,000 $65–4,120 Bright-Glo Luciferase Assay System Luciferase Luciferin 100-10,000 $80–4,635 Renilla Luciferase Assay System Luciferase Coelenterazine 100-1,000 $90–425 b-Galactosidase Enzyme Assay System with Reporter Lysis Buffer b-gal ONPG 65 standard assays/ 200 microassays $92 Roche Molecular Biochemicals (800) 262-1640 Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Luciferase Luciferin 200–1,000 $130–460 Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay, Constant Light Signal Luciferase Luciferin 1,000 $412 SEAP Reporter Gene Assay, Chemiluminescent SEAP 1,2-dioxetane substrate 250 $200 b-Gal Reporter Gene Assay b-gal 1,2-dioxetane substrate 500 $340 b-Gal ELISA b-gal HRP with ABTS substrate 192 $330 CAT ELISA CAT HRP with ABTS substrate 192 $325 hGH ELISA hGH HRP with ABTS substrate 192 $325 Stratagene (800) 894-1304 b-Galactosidase Assay Kit b-gal ONPG 100 $125 In-Situ b-Galactosidase Staining Kit b-gal X-gal 100 x 6-mm $130 Flash CAT Nonradioactive CAT Assay Kits CAT BODIPY chloramphenicol analog $350 Thermo Labsystems (508) 520-0009 GenGlow 100 Kit or 1000 Kit Luciferase Luciferin 100/1,000 $45.60/$325.00 *Number of assays is dependent on assay size. Please check product technical inserts for more information.