T. Gordon, W.P. Castelli, M.C. Hjortland, W.B. Kannel, T.R. Dawber, "High-density lipoprotein as a protective factor against coronary heart disease: Framingham study," American Journal of Medicine, 62:707-14, 1977. (1,673 citations)
W.P. Castelli, J.T. Doyle, T. Gordon, C.G. Hames, M.C. Hjortland, S.B. Hulley, A. Kagan, W.J. Zukel, "HDL cholesterol and other lipids in coronary heart disease: cooperative lipoprotein phenotyping study," Circulation, 55:767-72, 1977. (1,042 citations)
W.B. Kannel, W.P. Castelli, T. Gordon, "Cholesterol in the prediction of atherosclerotic disease: new perspectives based on the Framingham study," Annals of Internal Medicine, 90:85-91, 1979. (481 citations)
W.P. Castelli, T. Gordon, M.C. Hjortland, A. Kagan, J.T. Doyle, C.G. Hames, S.B. Hulley, W.J Zukel, "Alcohol and blood lipids: cooperative lipoprotein pheno-typing study," Lancet, 2:153-5, 1977. (394 citations)
T. Gordon, W.P. Castelli, M.C. Hjortland, W.B. Kannel, T.R. Dawber, "Diabetes, blood lipids, and role of obesity in coronary heart disease risk for women: Framingham study," Annals of Internal ...