I recently sat on a grant review panel to evaluate a proposal seeking to determine if nonlinear electrical fields, whatever they are, have any role in the development and progression of osteoporosis. The hypothesis underlying the proposal was that in our primal state, we humans were exposed to these cosmic nonlinear electrical fields. With the emergence of housing, motor cars, and perhaps even clothing, the premise is that we have insulated ourselves from them, leading to the proliferation of the ills of modern human including osteoporosis, hair loss, asthma, and, doubtless, cancer.

The investigator wanted to test a new device that has apparently been designed to capture (and perhaps even generate) nonlinear fields even within a modern dwelling. The device: a mattress that can be easily camouflaged, enabling a placebo-controlled study. The investigator proposed to compare the bone structure of a group of individuals who were asked to sleep on...

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