Sidebar: Highly Cited Nitric Oxide ARticles by Salvador Moncada
For the Vienna talk, we created a file of more than 40,000 papers published from 1981 through 1995 whose titles contained "prostaglandin" and other related key words. These were extracted from the Science Indicators Database of the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information. We then were able to identify the most-cited authors in this field. One outstanding author is Salvador Moncada, formerly of Wellcome Research Foundation, Beckenham, England, and now at the Cruciform Project for Strategic Medical Research, University College, London.
Moncada's remarkable research accomplishments include participating in the discoveries of inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis by aspirin-like drugs, thromboxane synthesis and its inhibitors, and prostacyclin, a prostaglandin that is a metabolite of arachidonic acid. More recently, Moncada and his colleagues discovered the biological role of nitric oxide. In particular, they demonstrated that nitric oxide is released from vascular endothelial cells in ...