Europe, America and Japan. Andrew J.
Pierre, ed. New York, University Press,
New York, 1987. 114 pp. $20.50.
This short book, the sixth in a series on relations between Western Europe and the United States published by the Council on Foreign Relations, is an excellent collection of papers by four influential men: Frank Press, president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences; Hubert Curien, professor on the Faculté des Sciences at the University of Paris; Carlo De Benedetti, chairman and chief executive officer of Olivetti & Co. and Keichi Oshima, chairman of Technova, Inc. in Japan. In addition, Robert D. Hormats, vice president for International Corporate Finance of Goldman, Sachs & Co., provides a thoughtful introduction and summary.
The reader should not look for much disparity of opinion over whether a technology gap exists between Western Europe and its chief economic competitors. All of the contributors acknowledge that the gap ...