Chemiluminescent Western Blot Detection Kits
Today's chemiluminescent detection methods give western blotters accustomed to using 125I a fast and sensitive alternative to thyroid bashing. Unlike detection systems based on fluorescence, chemiluminescent methods do not require external light sources for excitation energy. Rather, the signals are generated internally as light-producing chemical reactions occur. Chemiluminescent detection systems use reporter enzymes that catalyze luminescent reactions. The last step in protocols of this type will always be the detection of a luminescent reaction. The reporter enzyme used determines which chemiluminescent substrate is employed. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) are the two most common reporter enzymes for blotting techniques. Commercially available chemiluminescent HRP substrates include luminol- and acridan-based formulations. Acridan- and 1,2-dioxetane-based substrates are available for the chemiluminescent detection of AP. Regardless of which chemiluminescent detection system you choose, be aware that these systems really are sensitive. Directions included with chemiluminescent detection...