A space-filling representation of a ubiquitin moleculeIMAGE: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, ROGERDODD1. SWEET proteins found
A new class of proteins, dubbed SWEETs, function as glucose transporters, shuttling sugar molecules out of plant, worm and human cells. In some plants, SWEET proteins are co-opted by bacterial pathogens to deliver nutrition to the invaders.
L.Q. Chen et al., "Sugar transporters for intercellular exchange and nutrition of pathogens," Nature, 468:527-32, 2010. Evaluations by Heng-Cheng Hu and Caren Chang, Univ Maryland; Eric Van Der Graaff and Thomas Roitsch, Univ Graz; Michael Gjedde Palmgren, Univ Copenhagen; Giles Oldroyd, John Innes Cen; Julian Schroeder, UCSD; Akiko Sugio and Saskia Hogenhout, John Innes Cen; John Patrick, Univ Newcastle, Australia; David Alpers, Wash U Sch of Med; Bruno Stieger, Univ Hosp Zurich; Tapio Palva, Univ Helsinki; H Ekkehard Neuhaus, Univ Kaiserslautern, Germany. Free F1000 Evaluation
2. TRIMming retroviral ...