Anyone doubting the United States’ significance in the international biotechnology arena should take wing to Hanover, West Germany, later this month and see the impressive showing the US. will make at Biotechnica 88—the Fourth International Trade Fair and Congress for Biotechnology. Far and away the largest non-German contingent among the 400-plus exhibitors, US. representation continues a pattern of increasing Visibility in the biotech sector. The pattern was clearly astablished last year, at Biotechnica 87, when the U.S.—with 36 organizations, or 10% of all exhibitors, on hand—doubled its representation over the previous year. When this year’s three-day exposition opens on September20 at the Hanover Fair Trade Grounds, well over 40 US. biotech organizations will be on hand, more than 20 in the U.S.A. Pavilion and the remainder scattered in individual booths throughout the exhibit site.
The show is expected to attract considerably more attendees than the 7,300 who registered last year. ...