Watchdog Group On Lookout For Misuse Of Science In Policymaking Author: KAREN YOUNG KREEGER, pp.6
Date: August 22,1994
Scientists from a variety of disciplines in industry, academia, government, and other areas are reportedly lending their support to The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC), an organization that has pledged to scrutinize the quality of scientific research that influences federal regulations.
According to former New Mexico governor Garrey Carruthers, the founder and chairman of the ad-hoc coalition of scientists, academicians, industry representatives, and former public officials, TASSC aims to encourage policymakers to avoid or reconsider decisions based on "poorly executed research to justify preconceived policies."
Carruthers says the Washington, D.C.-based group's main purpose is to advocate the basing of scientific studies affecting federal regulations--including those concerning food, agriculture, and the environment--on standard scientific principles rather than on political expediency or pressure. By this, he says, he means relying on research that ...