Nonisotopic methods for protein and nucleic acid detection provide a multitude of conveniences for researchers beyond the obvious freedom from bodily bombardment with radioactivity. Short film exposure times and long reagent shelf life make the list of additional perks. But keeping all of the necessary enzymes, substrates, and conjugates straight can be a chore for even the most seasoned blotting professional.
Traditionally, substrate selection has been rigidly dependent on and specific for the enzyme system used (e.g., alkaline phosphatase [AP] or horseradish peroxidase [HRP])--no mixing and matching allowed. Vector Laboratories of Burlingame, Calif., developers of the biotin-avidin system reagents, has introduced a new "first" in detection chemistry with its multipurpose DuoLuX Chemiluminescent Substrate. The DuoLuX Substrate utilizes a unique acridan derivative specially formulated to react with either AP or HRP. As a bonus, reacted DuoLuX also exhibits intense fluorescence, adding to its use in protein and nucleic acid applications including ...