Controversial fertility expert Panayiotis Zavos triggered scientific uproar in London this week by announcing that he'd created cloned embryos using genetic material from dead people. But the editor of the journal that had already accepted a paper by Zavos on the subject has said he may pull the study from publication based on Zavos' announcement.

At a press conference Monday, the researcher said he had combined DNA from three dead people with cow oocytes to generate embryos in a proof of principal experiment, according to media reports.

Scientists, including the Royal Society, immediately said it was impossible to assess Zavos' claims without peer review and publication in a reputable journal.

But Zavos told reporters a study on the subject had been accepted for publication, news outlets reported. On his Web site he lists a paper entitled "Development of an interspecies-specific bioassay using the bovine oocyte model to evaluate...

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