Editor's Note: In a subsequent letter received just prior to this issue's deadline, Andrey Savtchenko offers an update:
... Meanwhile, my case was solved, and I received my change-of-status approval [Sept. 15]. I must admit, that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (at least the Texas Service Center) is apparently doing their best to alleviate the situation. [However,] the resolution of my case is not the solution to the problem. The issue is that thousands of professional workers, and many researchers among them, are put through lengthy psychological testing with their visas hanging in the air.
God knows how many bright people are denied admittance to the U.S. as a result. Ironically, I am sure INS is as well subjected to a quite substantial stress expecting the new legislation to handle the crisis and accumulated backlog of petitions. And this crisis will no doubt aggravate if visa numbers are not adjusted...