The minority researchers say that hard work and perseverance enabled them to overcome obstacles in their paths.
 SELF-SUFFICIENCY: Ciro Sumaya says, "what we do for ourselves has the strongest impact.
Getting to the rarefied upper levels of scientific achievement is difficult for most researchers, but for many members of underrepresented minority groups, the road to success is littered with obstacles. While overcoming poverty or an inferior primary education are major hurdles themselves, many minority researchers say that is just the tip of the iceberg. Numerous minority scientists who have achieved prominence cite the lack of mentors, the absence of professional networks, and the devaluation of work to support minorities in science as even bigger hindrances. These obstacles force many minority scientists to place extraordinary expectations upon themselves. Their skills, talents, drive, and refusal to let difficulties impede them have led these individuals to the top echelons of their fields. Most ...