ISTOCK, LARGEFIELDSTUDIOSAuthors who submit a manuscript to any of the PLOS journals will have their work automatically posted to the preprint site bioRxiv, both publishers announced this week (February 6). Researchers have the option to decline the preprint.
“This collaboration highlights PLOS’s commitment to the growing preprint movement in the biological sciences and bioRxiv’s support for scientists’ desire to share their research freely and widely,” Louise Page, Chief Innovation Officer at PLOS, says in a statement. “The screened submissions to bioRxiv from PLOS illustrate how publishers can drive preprints and create new outputs in response to researcher-led initiatives that increase transparency and promote early dissemination of science.”
PLOS’s screening procedure includes looking for plagiarism and ensuring the research meets ethical standards. Peer reviewers will be able to include comments posted to bioRxiv by readers in their assessments of the submissions.