NDA International has funded research projects in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands. These have all supported our claims for ENDABUSE (Ibogaine HCl). Research performed at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, provided data that ENDABUSE reduced certain behavioral characteristics in naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal. Investigators at Albany Medical College have shown reversal and blockade of morphine-induced dopamine increases in the nucleus accumbens and striatum as well as decreases in self-administration of morphine by Ibogaine-treated rats.
Preclinical studies at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, and the University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, demonstrated that Ibogaine was neither an opiate nor an antagonist, does not cause physical dependency itself, and attenuates morphine withdrawal in rats and primates. Anecdotal field studies and experimental therapeutic applications, conducted outside the U.S., have demonstrated that Ibogaine will eliminate narcotic withdrawal for both heroin and methadone while removing the craving to continue using opiate narcotics or cocaine ...