Karen Young Kreeger
This person does not yet have a bio.Articles by Karen Young Kreeger

'I've Got to Get Out of the Lab'
Karen Young Kreeger | | 3 min read
File Photo Welcome to my new-and-improved careers column; it is now interactive. When you send your questions via the E-mail address below, I will seek answers for you. Anita Koltay, who read my networking column, wrote recently with questions about career switching. She's a postdoctoral fellow at The Burnham Institute in San Diego and would like to get a job outside the lab. Past jobs required her to write technical reports; she also authors short stories and poetry. With the aptitude for a

One Scientist Survives Reorganization
Karen Young Kreeger | | 3 min read
File Photo Breaking into an industry research job may seem like breaking through the blood-brain barrier: You can't find out about every job on the company's web site, and when the job is listed in the classified ads, the firm gets flooded with applicants. It can be tough even if you already work in industry. For a time, it seemed to Dalai Yan, a microbiologist and antibiotic researcher with Cumbre, a small biotech in Dallas, that fate would keep him from doing the research he cared about. Be

Taking Toll of Toll-Like Receptors
Karen Young Kreeger | | 7 min read
Courtesy of Alan Aderem BAR-CODED BACTERIA: Combined activation of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) produces different specific responses. In this example, Microbe 1 activates TLRs 4 and 5, and is therefore likely to be a Gram-negative, flagellated bacterium. Microbe 2 activates TLR 5 and TLR 2/6, and is therefore likely to be Gram-positive and flagellated. Because of slightly different specificities, Microbe 3 would elicit a different response. Twas a head-scratcher: Twelve years ago, resear

Networking: As Easy as Making Friends
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo It's not what you know, but who you know. When I jumped into freelance science writing full-time more than three years ago, it was who I knew--reporters and editors at The Scientist--that got me off the ground. Getting a job in scientific research, industry, or government is much the same--you will find out about positions through your personal network. Much has been written about networking, and it's a perennial topic at career development seminars, but one that bears revisiting,

Asthma, Genetics, and the Environment
Karen Young Kreeger | | 8 min read
Courtesy of Eric Erbe and Chris Pooley, ARS Image Gallery SPRING CLEANING TARGETS: Tyrophagus putrescentiae, better known as dust mites, are microscopic, sightless, eight-legged arthropods that are natural inhabitants of indoor environments. Their droppings are the most common trigger of perennial allergy and asthma symptoms. Asthma is a classic example of gene-environment interaction. A host of environmental triggers, from cigarette smoke to cockroaches, can set it off. A dozen or so g

Be Web Savvy and People Smart; Fascination and Faith
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo When I sought my first staff position in science writing, the Web didn't exist. Now I rely on it daily. Online resources provide limitless options in your job search, whether you're a writer like me, or a scientist seeking a research position. From start to finish, the Web can mostly help--but sometimes hinder--the job hunt. Judy Brobst and Erin Fendrich, both career counselors at Colorado State University, advise job hunters not to rely entirely on the Web or on E-mail to apply fo

Becoming a Political Postdoc
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo When giving talks on alternative careers for scientists, I often emphasize skills that nontraditional science career employers look for, such as acumen in negotiating, communicating, teamwork, good judgment, business expertise, and adaptability. This skill list--derived from materials prepared by the Stanford University Career Planning and Placement Center--has also been put to good use by postdocs and graduate students to make their laboratories better places to work. Over the pas

Hoping to Mend Their Sporting Ways
Karen Young Kreeger | | 8 min read
The Picabo Streets, Shaquille O'Neals, Henrik Larssons, and Sammy Sosas of this world all face the dangers of sports-related injuries, as do weekend athletes everywhere. These injuries blow out knees, sprain hamstrings, tear up elbows, and throw out shoulders. Letting time heal the wounds of sports aficionados who have day jobs is ugly enough, but for professional players, chronic, lingering injuries threaten careers and the bottom line. For years, investigators have tried to grow cartilage

Networkers' Best Kept Secrets
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo When I give career talks, I sometimes refer to Peter Fiske, a geochemist-turned- entrepreneur who recently wrote Put Your Science to Work: The Take-Charge Career Guide for Scientists (American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2001). In 1996, while attending an American Geophysical Union meeting, he conducted an informal survey asking scientists this question: "Of the many skills that people develop while in graduate school, which ones are the most valuable in the outside world?" O

Atomic Resolution of Large Ribosomal Subunit Reveals Structure
Karen Young Kreeger | | 6 min read
Graphic: Courtesy of Peter Haebel RIBOSOME REVEALEDA view of the active site of the large ribosomal subunit. Proteins of this large assembly are shown in yellow; the ribosomal RNA is in gray. Scientifically speaking, the ribosome's make-up and raison d'etre is elementary: Composed of RNA and proteins, it's the cell site where amino acids get strung together to form new proteins. And, while protein synthesis is a well-studied cellular process, says Nenad Ban, assistant professor, Institute

Courses Steer Postdocs to Grants
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo For Ericka M. Boone, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University in Atlanta, grant writing seemed a "daunting chore." She looked on it as a "huge mountain" to overcome, but knew she had to climb it one rock at a time. Few graduate students have an opportunity to write grants before starting a postdoc. They spend more time writing fellowship applications. But organizations and universities offer many opportunities to learn how to

Get Help to Win Grants
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo I remember well the angst over writing grant proposals. When I was a fisheries PhD student, I wrote a few while indulging in long, intimate bouts with coffee. Two proposals got funded--a large one, prepared with my advisor's help, by a federal agency, and a small one by a sports fishing research organization. This experience helped me write an aquarium's funding proposal later, when I started science writing full time. (Unfortunately that one didn't get funded.) If you are a PhD st

Three Steps to Independent Research
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
File Photo Brittney-Shea Herbert got an early start in grant writing during graduate school at the University of Texas, Austin, when a visiting lecturer from NASA encouraged her to apply for a fellowship, and she won it. Herbert says that applying for that first grant forced her to organize her thinking about the next steps in her research. As a postdoc in the lab run by telomerase re-searchers Jerry Shay and Woody Wright at the UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Herbert put her graduate

Turning Points: Making Policy, A Career
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
Passion leads many scientists away from the bench and into world policy organizations. But policy making and diplomacy require both art and science, and universities and fellowship programs can help life scientists acquire skills they don't always learn in their labs. Take Achal Bhatt, an analyst in the National Immunization Program (NIP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. As Bhatt worked toward her PhD on mycobacteria, which cause tuberculosis, she became incre

Turning Points: Scientists Who Leave the Bench Stay Away Forever
Karen Young Kreeger | | 2 min read
You can never go home again. Sources for my book on alternate careers told me the switch falls in one direction only.1I never dreamed of going back because writing allows me to learn about subjects as different as conservation research and the Y chromosome. Janet Joy, a senior program officer at the National Research Council (NRC) since 1995, says she has no plans to return to the bench either. Before heading to work at the NRC, she was a neuroscientist at the National Institute of Mental Healt
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