Nikk Ogasa

Nikk Ogasa

Nikk Ogasa is a science journalist with a master’s degree in geology from McGill University in Montreal, where he studied gold and earthquakes. He grew up in California, and the wild landscapes of the west nurtured in him a passion for science and nature. Now he hopes to share that love with others through his writing. You can follow him on Twitter @nikkogasa.

Articles by Nikk Ogasa
A tiger shark swimming in the shallow water of the ocean above a sandy bottom, with another shark and fish in the background
While Some Sharks Flee, Tiger Sharks Brave Stormy Seas
Nikk Ogasa | May 12, 2021 | 3 min read
For the first time, scientists tracked large shark movements during hurricanes and found that tiger sharks may find the turmoil opportunistic for feeding.