Data Mining Software for Genomics, Proteomics and Expression Data (Part 1)
Data Mining Software for Genomics, Proteomics and Expression Data (Part 2)
High-throughput (HT) sequencing, microarray screening and protein expression profiling technologies drive discovery efforts in today's genomics and proteomics laboratories. These tools allow researchers to generate massive amounts of data, at a rate orders of magnitude greater than scientists ever anticipated. Initiatives to sequence entire genomes have resulted in single data sets ranging in size from 1.8 million nucleotides (Haemophilus influenza genome) to more than 3 billion (human genome)--a single microarray assay can easily produce information on thousands of genes, and a temporal protein expression profile may capture a data picture of 6,000 proteins.1
Integration of Genomica's LinkMapper with ABI's Gene Mapper It's what you do with the data that counts, however, and that's where bioinformatics takes over. Researchers in bioinformatics are dedicated to the development of applications that ...