Y. Haupt, R. Maya, A. Kazaz, M. Oren, "Mdm2 promotes the rapid degradation of p53," Nature, 387:296-99, 1997. (Cited in more than 230 papers since publication)
Comments by Moshe Oren, a professor in the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
M.H.G. Kubbutat, S.N. Jones, K.H. Vousden, "Regulation of p53 stability by Mdm2," Nature, 387:299-303, 1997. (Cited in more than 215 papers since publication)
Comments by Karen H. Vousden, interim director of the Advanced Bioscience Laboratories Basic Research Program at the Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center in Frederick, Md.
In trying to publish their findings on a novel aspect of the relationship between the protein Mdm2 (mouse double minute 2, after the first source from which the gene was cloned) and the frequently mutated tumor suppressor protein p53, the authors of these two papers faced a good deal of skepticism. Fortunately, the two ...