S. Uchida, T. Ido, H. Takagi, T. Arami, Y. Tokara, S. Tajima, "Optical spectra of La2-xSrxCuO4: Effect of carrier doping on the electronic structure of the CuO2 plane," Physical Review B, 43:7942-54, 1991.
S. Uchida (University of Tokyo): "This paper has revealed the evolution of the electronic structure with doping in high-Tc superconductivity materials by the first detailed study of the optical spectrum on good-quality single crystals."The results and insights obtained in this work are not specific to the titled compound but apply equally to all the known high-Tc materials 197 more than 50 are known to date 197 since this material has the simplest crystal structure and covers the widest range of doping levels."High-Tc superconductors are anomalous metals in that they are realized by doping carriers into the parent insulators (La2CuO4 in this case). This paper demonstrates that the metallic states are formed by doping in a unique manner, ...