Two incorrect citations were given in the Notebook section of the Sept. 29, 1997, issue of The Scientist (page 34). In the story headlined "Nuclear Mass," the correct citation to the study by H. Paulson et al. is Neuron, 19:333-44, 1997. In the story headlined "Presinilin Problems," the correct citation to the study by J. Li et al. is Cell, 90:917-27, 1997.
In the article "Political Controversy Puts Ag Biotech In Spotlight" (J. Kling, The Scientist, Sept. 29, 1997, page 1), an incorrect statement was made about St. Louis-based Monsanto Life Science Co.'s NewLeaf potatoes. The potatoes have been genetically engineered to include a gene to express the Bacillus thuringiensis toxin, which kills susceptible insects feeding on the plant.