Lance Liotta (top) and Emanuel Petricoin (bottom) made a splash in 2002 when they used mass spec techniques coupled with pattern matching software to identify proteomic signatures indicative of ovarian cancer. Now co-directors of the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine at George Mason University, they continue searching for diagnostic signals in blood serum, which they write about on page 32. "In some ways we're even more optimistic as to the potential and the richness of the diagnostic signatures that exist as we delve into identifying the vast archive of proteins that exist in the blood," says Liotta.
Skiing is as risky as Bruce Belzak gets in his personal life. But risk has always attracted him professionally. After graduating from Pennsylvania State University, he joined Marsh USA, a company that specializes in risk management and insurance. Rising through the company, now he is the managing director. "We look at ...