Date: October 11, 1999 | Mycoplasma Detection Kits Mycoplasma Testing Services |
Most scientists who engage in cell culture find it such a chore to split cells on a regular basis that conscientious habits like routine testing for mycoplasma remain an unrealized ideal. Although mycoplasma contamination can potentially foil the most crucial of experiments, one may argue that mycoplasma testing is expensive, time consuming, or complicated. Fortunately, times are changing. Several companies have developed commercial kits that make it quick and easy to add mycoplasma testing to your list of regular laboratory procedures. And if you don't want to take the time to do the testing yourself, a number of companies provide mycoplasma testing services. This article reveals the nature of mycoplasma that may be lurking in your cultures, examines the different types of products and services available for mycoplasma testing, and discusses the available options for eliminating mycoplasma from contaminated cultures....