Front Page | Defining the Dance of Molecules; How to Stem Seduction; The Prince, the Professors, and the Pea
TIP TROVE | How to Stem Seduction
Courtesy of Virginia Ashby Sharpe | |
The allure of money and status has become a distraction that can divert even a "good" scientist from seeking the truth. Just the appearance of conflict of interest can damage the credibility of your research. Preserve intellectual freedom by not signing research contracts that give control of research or its publication to sponsors. Disclose the funding sources of specific research, and other potentially biasing ties. Be familiar with your institution's conflict-of-interest policy, follow it, and help to strengthen it where necessary.
--Virginia Ashby Sharpe, project director for Integrity in Science, Center for Science in the Public Interest
TRAINING @ | Defining the Dance of Molecules
WHAT: Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling Course
WHERE: The State University at Buffalo, NY
WHY: Drug development...