Distinctions in prosthetic control
The popular press was a-buzz this week with reports of a technique that could allow an amputee to move her prosthetic arm with linkurl:her mind.;http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/11/health/research/11arm.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=todd%20kuiken&st=cse But in fact, the technology, developed by Todd Kuiken and his group at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, doesn't attempt to read a patient's thoughts -- at least not directly. The type of control Kuiken's group is working on is one step removed. In a w
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[January 2009]*linkurl:Re-engineering humans;http://www.the-scientist.com/2007/3/1/28/1/
[March 2007]

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Edyta Zielinska
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