Myth: Diversity is good for business.
Reality: It's a bit more complicated than that. Research from MIT's Thomas Kochan showed-controversially-that ethnic and gender diversity can harm team and company performance if they're not managed effectively. (see "Diversity: The New Business Case")

Myth: Blacks and Latinos don't consider careers in research because they're more interested in becoming medical doctors.
Reality: In fact, 90% of all undergraduates taking introductory science courses-not just young people of color, but whites too-are interested in medicine, not basic science. (see "Shared Challenges, Shared Solutions")

Myth: Poor K-12 education is to blame for the lack of diversity among undergrads pursuing science majors.
Reality: The ethnic representation of students who enroll in introductory science classes mirrors the student body as a whole, but black and Latino students are more likely to give up on science than white kids. (see "Shared Challenges, Shared Solutions...

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