E-Mail Efficiency
Thank you for publishing Joshua Lederberg's detailed descriptions of his attempts to cope with the literature (The Scientist, Feb. 8, 1993, page 10).
I would like to make an additional comment about Internet use. The volume not only of publications but also of grant applications is expanding explosively.
I manage the radiation study section (RAD) at the National Institutes of Health, Division of Research Grants. We meet formally three times per year. February 8-10 we received 97 applications, a real strain for roughly 20 reviewers in three days. It is also a strain on my personal resources to ensure that all facets of the applications are appropriate (proper paperwork for human and animal subjects, budgets, curriculum vita, supplementary data).
This year, in the revised PHS 398 (Public Health Service grant application form) there is a box on the front page for Internet/Bitnet addresses of the applicants....