In a decision announced on April 12, the World Health Organization does not declare the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo a global health emergency because the disease is currently limited to two provinces, reports Science. On the same day, WHO reported the efficacy of an Ebola vaccine that is going through a preliminary trial to be 97.5 percent at preventing infection, reports STAT.
The current outbreak began in August 2018, and 1,200 cases have been reported since then, reports STAT.
“It was an almost unanimous vote that this would not constitute a PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern) because we are moderately optimistic that this outbreak can be brought into control—not immediately, but still within a foreseeable time,” Robert Steffen of the University of Zurich who chaired the WHO panel said at a news conference, reports Reuters.
The previous Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, ...