False Impression
A news brief in The Scientist (April ‘17, page 2) could give some readers the false impression that reconstruction of the Green Bank, W.Va, radio telescope is a pork barrel project (versus the “bonanza for astrophysicists” of a gravity wave detector). But the 300-meter telescope was ideal for certain kinds of survey work impossible with most modem high-resolution instruments Also, the loss of the radio quiet zone around Green Bank would be nearly impossible to reverse. There are sound scientific reasons for rebuilding this instrument. If money ‘for support facilities could be saved by adding a gravity wave detector at the same site, which could also benefit from the isolation, so much the better.
Department of Physics and
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kan.
Darwin The Theorist
Judging’ from the article about Har- mon Craig (The Scientist, April 17, page 1), I think the...