Version 1.01
Software Development and
Distribution Center
The University of Wisconsin-Madison
121 0 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-9484 or 263-9864
Price: $90. Student version: $40.
Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT or
compatible: 256 K RAM. DOS 3.0 or
later. Comes with a version that uses
a math coprocessor and a version that
does not.
Solver-Q is an interesting addition to the solver market. It is more of a specialist product than the Big Three. Designed by an academic as a "total environment for thinking" Solver-Q is ideologically similar to MathCAD, but less polished. The program, although rough around the, edges, is powerful and imaginative.
The author, Fernando Alvarado, has a background in power engineering, and Solver-Q reflects the concerns of this particular discipline. Since power engineering requires considerable mathematical sophistication, the program is also quite suitable for a variety of scientific and technical problems. Solver-Q will handle nonlinear optimization, ...