But Various Regulatory Obstacles Persist Date: March 4, 1996
(The Scientist, Vol:10, #5, pg.1 & 8, March 4, 1996)
(Copyright ©, The Scientist, Inc.)
SIDEBAR : Functional Foods: An AG Biotech Boom?
Life scientists are finding new opportunities to test wise words uttered by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates: "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food."
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Louis Lasagna notes the field's potential. In academic and industry labs across the United States, researchers are hunting for the cancer-fighting ingredients in fruit, vegetables, and dietary fiber. These scientists are building the emerging field of "functional foods"-those with an added health benefit beyond traditional nutritional value. Functional food proponents like Stephen DeFelice, chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM)-a Cranford, N.J.-based nonprofit group that promotes natural therapies-put the field's market potential at up to $250 billion. Biomedical scientists say interdisciplinary research opportunities abound....