Speakers' Fund For Women Geoscientists
The Association for Women Geoscientists has received a $9,000 grant for three years from Phillips Petroleum to fund travel costs of members serving as speakers. The AWG Speakers Bureau maintains a list of 120 nationally recognized women geoscientists who are available for speaking engagements. Nonprofit, nongovernment organizations needing speakers to discuss geoscience topics can apply. Up to $300 in direct travel costs is available. The deadline for applications is August 15.
For more information, contact Speakers Bureau, Association for Women Geoscientists Foundation, c/o Resource Center for Associations, 10200 W. 44th Ave., #304, Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80033; (303) 422-8527.
Support For AIDS Research
The American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) offers research grants, short-term travel grants, and three-year scholar awards.
$50,000 for one year to support AIDS-related biomedical and social science research. Principal investigators should be M.D.'s, Ph.D.'s, or equivalent, and must be affiliated with an ...