Enter the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. HHMI has just launched a postdoctoral research fellowship program to encourage clinically trained M.D.'s to pursue careers in research. Each year the program will support up to 25 fellows with annual stipends ranging from $35,000 to $50,000 and an additional $17,000 in institutional and personal allowances. The stipends run for three years and will be awarded to M.D.'s who have completed their clinical training and who wish to conduct research at the institution of their choice.
The Bethesda, Md.-based institute, established in 1953, has an endowment approaching $5 billion. Although it has funded a network of senior investigators for many years, only in the past few years has it begun to confront directly the pending shortage of biomedical scientists in the next generation. Its current programs concentrate on undergraduate- and graduate-level training, and HHMI officials expect future efforts to encompass the precollege and health ...