Clinical genetics has always represented a prototype of the team approach to health care delivery. Providers come from a variety `of training backgrounds, including physicians with fellowship training in genetics, Ph.D.'s in human genetics, and master's-
prepared genetic counselors.
The field of genetic counseling as a recognized subspecialty is, and has been since its inception in 1969, practiced primarily (88 percent of the practitioners) by master's-prepared individuals (see the "Professional Status Survey" conducted by the National Society of Genetic Counselors in 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1992; and "Report of the 1989 Asilomar Meeting on Education in Genetic Counseling," American Journal of Human Genetics, 46:1223-30, 1990).
The American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG), currently the certifying and accrediting body for all providers of genetic care,...