Earlier this month, officials released the short list of German universities vying for a place in the new German "ivy league.? The winning schools will receive a portion of 1.9 billion euros, set aside to create an elite group of internationally recognized universities and spur scientific research."I think Germany is in need of a shake-up and think this is gong to do it. I hope so," said Kai Simons, president of the European Life Scientist Organization (ELSO), and research group leader and director at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany. Simons noted that the extra funding will impact life sciences on several levels ? importantly, creating new programs, which means more money for younger scientists. "It is very clear that this will give a big boost to young investigators," he said, adding that the program also will help create a life sciences...
finally approvedjoint committeeSabine BehrenbeckThe ScientistThe Scientisthttp://www.wissenschaftsrat.de/texte/exini_grad-clust.pdfhttp://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1864096,00.htmlhttp://www.mpi-cbg.de/research/groups/simons/leader.htmlhttp://www.elso.org/http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/22721/http://www.wissenschaftsrat.de/texte/exini-mitg.pdfhttp://www.wissenschaftsrat.de/exini_start.html
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