Let's Talk--To Each Other A recent report by a five-person task force of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government called on the executive branch of government to consolidate its advice to the president on the environment, energy, and the economy. A subset of the 22-member commission, created in 1988 to recommend ways that the government could make better use of the country's scientists and engineers, suggests how to encourage White House-level panels "to look beyond the short run." Last month Secretary of Energy James Watkins met for the first time with his new 28-member secretary's advisory board, charged with "providing expert guidance" on energy-related matters. Conveniently, two of the five members of the Carnegie task force--Scripps Institute of Oceanography director Edward Frieman and Resources for the Future president Robert Fri -- are also members of Watkins' advisory board. So, too, are Carnegie Corp. president David Hamburg and commission ...
Government Briefs
Let's Talk--To Each Other A recent report by a five-person task force of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government called on the executive branch of government to consolidate its advice to the president on the environment, energy, and the economy. A subset of the 22-member commission, created in 1988 to recommend ways that the government could make better use of the country's scientists and engineers, suggests how to encourage White House-level panels "to look beyond the sh