The "Nobel Lesson" by Barry A. Palevitz and Ricki Lewis ("Show Me The Data: A Nobel Lesson In The Process Of Science," The Scientist, Dec. 8, 1997, page 8) errantly dismissed the criticisms by molecular biologist Peter Duesberg of the infectious AIDS model.

Duesberg is a University of California, Berkeley, professor and retrovirus pioneer who has concluded that HIV is harmless and that AIDS can be explained by noninfectious factors such as party drugs; various non-HIV contaminants in hemophilia clotting factor and blood transfusions; AZT and other toxic pharmaceuticals used to treat HIV infections; and abject poverty in underdeveloped nations.

Palevitz and Lewis used three arguments against Duesberg: (1) that "HIV and AIDS cases among people with hemophilia plummeted" when "donated blood began to be screened for HIV"; (2) "the replacement of HIV antibody testing with the more direct detection of viral load (HIV RNA)"; and (3)...

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