T.R. Cech, "Conserved sequences and structures of group I introns: building an active site for RNA catalysis - a review," Gene, 73, 259-71, 20 December 1988.
Thomas R. Cech (University of Colorado, Boulder): "How to look good writing a review article: Pick some really brilliant work to write about. In this case, the difficult and very successful head-scratching that provided the basis for the review was done by Francois Michel and, independently, by Richard Waring and Wayne Davies in 1982. Based on just a handful of nucleotide sequences of fungal mitochondrial introns, they were able to decipher the secondary structure into which these RNA molecules fold. The RNA structures became exciting to a much larger audience when their function was uncovered: They define a class of self-splicing RNA molecules.
"One of my main goals in the review was to update the compilation of this group of introns. The 66 available ...