Indeed, Selkoe, Schrieber, and Kinzler are among the scientists who have produced the greatest number of highly cited papers over the last three years, as identified by ISI's newsletter Science Watch (4[10]:1-2, December 1993), based on a ranking from ISI's Hot Papers Database. Others on the list who have produced five or more of these papers--research articles with a substantially greater number of citations than other papers in similar disciplines during that time--are molecular neurologist Stanley Hamilton, molecular biologist Bert Vogelstein, and neuroscientists Solomon Snyder and David Bredt of Johns Hopkins; molecular biologists Benjamin Margolis and Joseph Schlessinger of New York University Medical Center; molecular biologist Tony Pawson of the University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto; and molecular neurologist George Yancopoulus of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Tarrytown, N.Y.
SCIENTISTS RANKED BY NUMBER OF HOT PAPERS RankNameInstitutionFieldNo. of Papers 1Bert VogelsteinJohns Hopkins UniversityMolecular Biology16 2Kenneth W. KinzlerJohns Hopkins UniversityMolecular ...