5-Prime | ICSU: International Council for Science

What is it? Created in 1931 as the International Council of Scientific Unions (but recently rebranded as the International Council for Science), ICSU is a nongovernmental organization whose mission is to give scientists worldwide the opportunity to collaborate on projects and exchange information. ICSU has established several policy and advisory committees, including the International Biological Programme (1964-1974), which studied the biological productivity, resource use, and management of the Earth's terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems. Current programs include the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the World Climate Research Programme, which provided much of the data influential in forging the Kyoto Protocol. The United Nations frequently calls upon ICSU to provide advice on a range of scientific concerns.

Why does it exist? ICSU acts as an authoritative, independent voice for international science and scientists. It also identifies and addresses issues important to science and society by...

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