California, home to almost one-third of the nation’s biotech firms, is eager for more. The state’s universities and venture capitalists have proven successful at nourishing nascent companies; now its Department of Commerce is joining the effort. Its advertising slogan, placed this spring in four magazines for scientists, urges: “Come to California and bring your genes.” But it isn’t all slick public relations—the agency also offers a free, 200-page report providing a guide to California’s regulatory process. According to biotech coordinator Wes Ervin, there have been over 100 responses to the ad. For information, call: (916) 324-8104.
High Technology Business had a novel idea in its June issue (page 22): Spotlight those companies that have made the best, the most productive, the most intelligent uses of the latest advances in science and technology. Winners were chosen in each of 10 major industries based upon the comments of analysts and company leaders. ...