Planning To Address Needs Of A Maturing Discipline Author: NEERAJA SANKARAN, pp.1
Date: July 11,1994
The formation of a new scientific organization, the Gaithersburg, Md.-based International Society for Vaccines (ISV), signals that vaccinology is finally coming of age as a discrete discipline, according to Jonas Salk, the developer of the first effective vaccine for polio--whose own experience in the field spans more than a half-century.
Although vaccines have been in use, in some form, for almost 200 years, formation of the new society, say its members, marks the first time that researchers with that focus have come together as a single, international organization to share their common interests. Until recently, they say, the subject was always addressed in the context of a researcher's specific field, and this included virtually every area of the basic and applied biological sciences-- immunology, virology, molecular biology, parasitology, pediatrics, and the veterinary sciences being a...