I just received from another teacher a copy of your article regarding evolution (R. Moss, The Scientist, Oct. 13, 1997, page 7). Like author Robert Moss, I teach evolution in a religious-based college, but unlike him, I do discuss the evolution of species and man. I have never been cautioned about this topic and have actually been encouraged to present all the scientific evidence for evolution.
Why have I been successful? I think it is because I get the definitions straight. I divide evolution of species into macroevolution and microevolution. Macroevolution refers to the origin of new species from previously existing species; microevolution refers to variations within a species. One must be careful not to depend on our knowledge of microevolution as "foolproof" evidence for macroevolution.
In Moss's use of essay-copying as an analogy for macroevolution, he argues that the only way to interpret the similarities in the mistakes is ...