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pp.16 F.J. Rogers, C.A. Iglesias, "Radiative atomic Rosseland mean opacity tables," Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 79:50768, 1992. Forrest Rogers (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, Calif.): "Opacity is a measure of how strongly matter impedes the flow of radiation. It plays an important role in determining the internal structure and observable properties of stars. Its quantification is essential for stellar modeling. In general, the more bound electrons an ion posse


Adjunct Science Faculty Contribute Valued Expertise To Universities
Adjunct Science Faculty Contribute Valued Expertise To Universities
with the title of adjunct can vary greatly. An adjunct may be a professor in name only, lending the prestige of name recognition, but requiring no inclass time. This is the case for the National Institutes of Health's Robert Gallo, who is an adjunct professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. Gallo "is listed as an adjunct professor of veterinary microbiology, immunology and parasitology, and . . . has an assigned office in the Veterinary Research Tower here, but a phone number that pro


Peptide Chemist Ruth Nutt Joins Corvas
Peptide Chemist Ruth Nutt Joins Corvas
Ruth F. Nutt, a peptide chemist and former senior scientist at Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, N.J., has joined Corvas International Inc. in San Diego as director of chemistry. In 31 years at Merck, Nutt, 53, was responsible for the development of five major drug candidates, including one now in clinical trials. In addition, she was on the first team to chemically synthesize an enzyme and led the team that first synthesized the HIV protease, preceding recombinant production of the enzyme by about