NAS Awards 15 Science Prizes To 18 Individuals.
The National Academy of Sciences will present the following awards at Its 125th annual meeting on April 25, Including two new awards in mathematics and the neurosciences.
Robert P. Langlands professor of mathematics. The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.. the NAS award In mathematics;
Seymour S. Kety, senior scientist NIMH Intramural Research Program, and Louis Sokoloff chief, NIMH Laboratory of Cerebral Metabolism the NAS award In the neurosciences.
Paul C.W. Chu, L.T.T. Temple Chair of Science. University of Houston, and Maw-Kuen Wu, professor, University of Alabama, the Cyrus B. Comstock Prize In electricity, magnetism or radiant energy.
Charles G. Sibley professor of biology, San Francisco State University and professor emeritus. Yale University, and Jon Edward Allquist associate professor, department of zoological and biomedical sciences, Ohio University, the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal in the Medical Sciences.
Leslie A. Harlander, president. L.A. Harlander ...