The problem for SETI, congressional staffers say, is the "giggle factor." They say it's easy for representatives to get their names in print by taking cheap shots at the program, linking it with a search for little green men and flying saucers.
In fact, that was exactly the approach used by Rep. John Duncan (R-Tenn.) when he successfully engineered the elimination of funding for SETI, via a recently passed House authorization bill for fiscal year 1993. "This is a program that the Associated Press described as a search for space aliens," Duncan told the House on April 29. "With our nation in such financial straits as at present, I find it incredible that we are continuing on with this program, this ridiculous luxury."
Apparently, many members of Congress agreed with Duncan's assessment of SETI and voted in favor of his amendment to zero out the proposed $13.5 million in FY ...