Spreadsheet National Instruments Offers Updated Versions of LabVIEW Graphical Instrumentation Software Molecular Dynamics' Stand-Alone Confocal Software Antigenix Provides Human VCAM Antibody Reagent Hamamatsu Introduces Series of Photomultiplier Tubes Protein Analysis Kits For Capillary Electrophoresis Analtech Unveils Sample Application Device For TLC Bibliographic Data Software From PBS
The DADiSP graphical software and engineering spreadsheet package has been expanded with the release of three new add-on modules. DADiSP/AdvDSP 1.0 is a digital signal-processing (DSP) program that offers a variety of DSP algorithms, including advanced FFT analysis, power spectral density estimation, digital interpolation, and cepstrum analysis. DADiSP/Filters 3.0 is a digital filtering module that provides full finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering capabilities and includes Kaiser Window filtering. DADiSP/Neural Net enables users to build and train backpropagation neural networks, which facilitate pattern-recognition tasks involving multidimensional datasets.
DSP Development Corp., Cambridge, MA
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