ISTOCK PHOTO, © ZERNLIEWIn a statement issued this week (January 25), the National Science Foundation (NSF) told grantee institutions it would not tolerate harassment and that it will “will take all appropriate actions to ensure” that those receiving agency funding are compliant with federal antidiscrimination regulations.
“In light of recent, multiple reports of sexual harassment in science, NSF reiterates its unwavering dedication to inclusive workplaces,” the agency noted in its statement. “NSF does not tolerate sexual harassment and encourages members of the scientific community who experience such harassment to report such behavior immediately.”
As Inside Higher Ed noted, the NSF’s announcement followed on the heels of a January 15 letter from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden to grantee institutions. “I urge all of our NASA grantee institutions to examine closely their current policies and procedures for addressing allegations of misconduct such as harassment,” Bolden wrote. “Beyond the law, we must seek to create the kinds of welcoming and supportive program environments in which all students can flourish.”