Working with Gibbons and Greenwood, Moniz was one of the principal framers of the administration's 1994 science policy report, "Science in the National Interest." The report was positively received by scientists as an expression of the administration's support for research and education, but was faulted for a lack of specifics concerning funding and the balance between basic and applied research (B. Reppert, The Scientist, Aug. 22, 1994, page 1).
LONG-TERM PLANNER: At OSTP, MIT's physics department head Ernest J. Moniz hopes to work with Congress to develop a science program that looks beyond current budget-cutting.
According to Moniz, the report was a solid endorsement by the administration for "investing" in basic science. Despite the prevailing budget-cutting orientation in Congress, Moniz sees a receptivity to this outlook on Capitol Hill.
"Through all the haze of contentious issues, the Congress has expressed a strong support for basic science research," Moniz notes. "There's ...